Friday 19 February 2016

What are the Benefits of the Different Crops Growing Together

What are the Benefits of the Different Crops Growing Together

Growing two or more harvests in the same field in one year in the meantime, or in a steady progression". 

Various editing should be possible in 

Yearly nourishment crops 

Enduring product 

Feed crops 

Tree crops 

HISTORY of Multiple Cropping System

Numerous trimming is not another agrarian method. 

Proof of the practice has been found in 

Egypt going back to 300 B.C. 

Maya Indians in Central America 

Incas in South America 

polished both consecutive and intercropping. 

Attributes of numerous editing 

All types of numerous trimming have the potential 

To use the dirt all the more productively 

Higher generation per unit of area. 

This is particularly valid in 

Tropical zone 

Subtropical zone with wet and dry seasons 

Water for watering system is accessible 

Misuse of the inexhaustible sun based vitality 


Expand nourishment creation 

Expand trade 

Less use of assets of capitals 

These outcomes are additionally conceivable by 

Twofold trimming 

Triple trimming 

Fourfold trimming 

Favorable circumstances Of this System: 

Various editing decreases the danger of 

Absolute misfortune from dry season 

Vermin and illnesses . 

It advances creation from little plots. 

Trimming design makes a difference 

Keep up soil richness 

Fix nitrogen in the dirt i.e. vegetables. 

Numerous editing yields 

Diverse sorts of produce 

Adjusted eating regimen for the gang 

It smothers weeds because of 

High planting thickness 

High complementation with the yields. 

Diverse sorts of yields can be planted in various seasons i.e. 

Crops that require a great deal of water can be developed in the wet season intercropped with dry spell safe yields that can be reaped in the accompanying dry season.

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